Help us raise enough money to adopt

Thank you for helping us raise money for our adoption.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Getting into a different shape.

I have recently been conned by a very dear friend to go walking in the morning so we can be healthier. I woke up before 10am this morning to go walking. Those of you that know me, KNOW that I don't like waking up.  We started walking at about 7:30 and it was already hot! I miss having cool morning and evenings. I currently have quarter sized blisters on my ankles. All I ever wear are flip flops so my ankles don't know how to handle tennis shoes. Maybe tomorrow we should go bike riding, that will be easier on my ankles, but harder on some other parts. We are also considering buying a membership to a gym but I have a REALLY hard time with the amount you pay to join a gym.

I have noticed since being just the two of us + three dogs and some fish that our bedtime has gone out the window. It used to be a rarity for us to be in bed and sleeping after 10pm now it is a rarity for us to even be thinking about sleeping at 10pm. I think I had an easier time making myself clean when we had kids. Dishes certainly got done more then once a week. And I think laundry was more likely to get put away.

We are getting a website built for us for our adoption. with a button so that people can donate to help us get to our goal for adoption. And so people can get to know us a little better. I am super excited!!


Savannah said...

Owie to the blister! I wish I lived closer, I would go walking with you. I hate being alone, so I won't walk alone. I keep thinking about joining a gym or curves, but ya, I have a hard time with the money. I keep telling myself if I can't committ to a free exercise program, like walking, then I shouldn't waste my money on a paid one.

Kristin said...

Move out here and make Blaine work for Newfield - you get FREE memberships to Kody's gym. If you need more reasons to move, let me know. I could make a list ;)
Love you!

Heather said...

We would need to be able to sell our house and make a profit as well as build a new house.